There is something about the cold Canadian Winters that the second we have a day where the temperature is above plus one it suddenly is warm enough to go out in shorts and a tank top. We can feel the days getting warmer and can’t wait to finally start burning our favourite fresh spring scented soy wax candles. Before burning a candle though, you need to get started on that spring cleaning. There is no better reward after deep cleaning your home and everything spotless so you can finally light that scented candle you’ve been saving all winter. To help you get started on that spring cleaning we’ve got a couple of cleaning sprays that will become an essential to your home cleaning routine.
If you hate the smell of the DIY vinegar homemade cleaning solutions and want an eco-friendly alternative, our plant-based cleaners come in two heavenly scents: Resting Mint Face and Stairway to Lemon. Whether you are more inclined to a minty or lemony fresh home, Ebony & Ivory Candle Co. has plant-based cleaning products that will tackle dirt, and make your house smell fresh instead of chemicals. The best part? Both of these scents are available as candles as well to add as the finishing touch to your spring cleaning. Pairing both the soy wax candle with the cleaner of the same scent allows for you to give your home a signature fresh scent that will make your home smell clean all day long.
We got sick of toxic cleaners and decided to make one we would use and love. This cleaner is completely plant-based and does not contain parabens, dyes, or petroleum byproducts. If DIY-ing a cleaner isn’t for you, this gentle yet effective cleaning agent is safe to be used on any surface including granite and quartz. Simply spray the surface and wipe with a clean, wet cloth!
Refill Options
If you already know how amazing our plant-based cleaning products are and only need a refill, there is no need to get a whole new spray bottle, we provide these same cleaners as refill concentrates. Easy to use, one refill only requires you to add enough water to fill the spray bottle (14 oz for a total of 16 oz). No math or guessing is necessary! We also have reusable glass bottles so you can simply use the same bottle over and over again without worry about harming the environment.
Our all-purpose cleaner refills come in the same two scents so that you can grab your favourite over and over. Leave your home minty fresh or lemon-laced this summer with the help of sustainable products like ours at Ebony & Ivory.
How Are We Sustainable?
At Ebony & Ivory Candle Co., we are well aware of our environmental footprint and are actively working to reduce it as much as possible. Our current next step is eliminating plastic bottles and implementing custom glass bottles. You’ll only need to purchase the spray bottle once, and then you can save money and packaging by switching to the refills.
As a business, we proudly create cruelty-free, vegan products that you can use and enjoy in your home. We source our ingredients from sustainable farms and use only recyclable and reusable materials for shipping. Providing eco-friendly cleaners to keep you and your family safe is one of our core goals. We don’t believe in using harsh, toxic chemicals in our products because we wouldn’t want that in our own homes. We love our products, and we hope you do, too!
Happy spring cleaning!
Ebony & Ivory Candle Co.